What was your best year?

quit livin' in past people. your either doing better or worse and most of it's on you, not the government or anyone else. if what your doing isn't making you happy then kick yourself in the *** and fix it.
i had a great year, better than last and the next one will be better still... and it's not because crap didn't happen, it's because i dealt with it and fixed it.

how ever you measure it, here's hoping everyone has their best year ever :burnout:

I like your attitude. Some of us can't help it we are not in the best financial shape, I mean we worked, saved-maybe invested and people like Maddoff and greedy bankers go running the companies bankrupted and cutting wages. BUT life isn't all about money. I had a pretty good year last year, I didn't have as much cash to spend so I cut corners were I could. 2013 will hopefully be another good year-can wait till spring comes around. I just hope gas prices don't go crazily high.