What was your best year?

Interesting. I never equated the amount of money I made to any degree of happiness. I made more money in 2012 than any year in my life. Yet it was the most miserable yet I've ever had. My daughter dropped out of college with $70K of debt and moved back home. My son blew a $50K job offer by failing his drug test in March. He's still unemployed and living with us again. My step mom had a serious stroke and is now mostly incapacitated. My wife was diagnosed with cancer and had a large tumor removed. And on my 55th birthday two weeks ago, I learned that I have a heart defect and will require open-heart surgery within the next year.

Sure, I'm dealing with all of it and not letting it get me down. I have much to be grateful for and realize some have been through much worse. But forgive me if I choose not to think of 2012 as the kind of year I care to repeat.

Here's to hoping we all have a better year in 2013.