The "New" Dart, LoL!

FIAT still holds to their legacy of some of the lowest quality/durable vehicles made in Europe. With trucks being RAMs, Darts being FIATs, the Viper being "By SRT," the Challenger being on the way out (and it's replacement being a 'Cuda, probably "By Chrysler Group, LLC, a Division of FIAT"), et cetera I don't hold any faith in anything new they try to market as "MOPAR," or Dodge (see the nice 'pimp' edition 300 they are offering?) Anymore, it is just a recognized trade/brand name- the old legacy is in the history books next to Plymouth.
Sad to say, I don't like it. The FIAT/Chrysler deal was orchestrated by the same group who just created the "Fiscal Cliff" solution which has higher taxes and no spending cuts (but $70 million in aid for that non-profit business known as NASCAR and other pork). I believe we'll see the results of their moves in the next few years...hey, maybe we can buy it back and make it a domestic company again. Until then, if I want a cheap A-to-B car, its Hyundai/KIA (they are building 'em here, not Mexico like Chrysler does a lotof it's product) or Ford.