WTH is with people

I can second that first comment. It's more than just a lack of respect. Since I started working in ministry, I've tried to be more alert to people's attitudes and temperaments. There has definitely been a change. Not only is there an overall lack of respect and civility, I've observed a significant increase in the levels of anger and hostility in the past twenty years. It seems like it took a sharp upturn in the mid 90s.

The lack of respect is evident in the way people are treating each other, ways that transcend the violation of personal property. For instance, you can see how quickly people get angry when someone disagrees with them, on any issue. They cannot reason with disagreement with any degree of civility. You mentioned discussions on this board. There are some people I've observed who are spring loaded to the pissed off position, and the second anyone disagrees with them, the gloves come off and the insults and personal attacks start flying, and the discussion is quickly reduced to the level of irrelevance. It's not just this site. It's happening on just every message board on the web unless there is strict moderation.

The lack of respect for authority has sharply increased. A lot of people don't like to be told what to do, which includes being told to stay off a neighbor's land. A lot it can be traced to parenting, as you no doubt have come to realize. The parents' job is to teach their children about respect and that's where much of the failure lies. It starts in the home but unfortunately, respect isn't being taught in the home the way it once was.
I care about people and what we're seeing today is a legitimate cause for concern, not a negative indictment of society. I just wanted to make that point clear.
This makes alot of sense as I am not with my sons mother and I have had to teach him its not yours dont touch it. He has questioned me saying well why cant I. I tell him if it is not yours you have no right to it. When we lived in the subdivision before moving to the country I had conflict trying to teach him stay out of anothers property unless you are asked. As I see it the kids have been shown no respect is ok by their parents. I was raised on a farm about a mile from where I am at now and if you went on another persons land or bothered anything that was not yours you got your tail beat. It appears like you say a generation has been raised not to accept being told what to do and follow rules rather than defy them. It took my son until this year in school to learn he is responsible for his actions and no one else. Instead of parents thinking someone has no right to their own property they should teach that they should ask first. I wonder just how many families no longer eat dinner together or spend time teaching right from wrong rather than leaving that to the schools and law enforcement.