67-68 Barracuda owners...your help please.

Hi everybody - just wanted to take a quick second to introduce myself, my name is John and I'm the Managing Editor for a soon-to-debut app magazine called Cigar Advisor.

I'm reaching out because I could use a little help from someone who's an excellent photographer. In our debut issue, we're going to be running an "overlooked and underappreciated" feature on the second gen Barracuda (67-). And I apologize in advance for not knowing my A bodies that well, but I think we can include '68 in this discussion too? Anyway - the help I need is with photos. The stock photography out there for '67 and '68 Barracudas is, well, awful. I need images (as high-res as possible) that we can include in the piece that are, let's say, creative. Think calendar-worthy. We have a 500 word essay that's going to go along with the pics, but it's good photos that are going to tell this story. So I need your pics!

If this sounds like you: solid photog skills, access to a 67 (or 68) Barracuda in complete/restored condition, can shoot hi-res images and willing to work with me in a collaborative effort to come up with some creative shots (I have an idea of what I'm looking for, but want your input too), and knows a thing or two about lighting - drop me a PM, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks in advance for your help, everybody - I'm out of the office until Monday, but will be getting back to everybody asap.
