67-68 Barracuda owners...your help please.

Tell us more about this deal. What would it benifit the car owner to provide you with this information? What are you paying for the rights to publish the photos and related materials?

Thanks for your question! That's pretty much the deal in my post above...We're launching an e-magazine that has info on cigars, and lifestyle related articles that we think people who smoke cigars would like. One of those things happens to be classic cars. So, we picked the Barracuda...and we'll have the article in our first issue.

To answer your first question, what would it benefit the car owner - well, if you enjoy the idea of having your car be the subject of a photo essay in a small digital magazine, and don't mind being named by name as owner of the car and getting some recognition for it, then there's a benefit.

As far as paying for the photos - yes, I'm happy to compensate you for your work, but the rate is not necessarily up to me; if you're a freelance photographer, you generally have an established rate to shoot to spec (# of hours, # of pics, etc) and a portfolio I can review. So if I like your portfolio and I can afford you, then I'll hire you and give you a photo credit. If you don't have an established rate, then we can certainly discuss a rate at which to compensate you for your time, based on your prior work. Or, if you have a portfolio on file that has already been shot - and I want to license or purchase pictures from it (there is a difference)...pretty much the same deal as above, depending on your rate and if I can afford you. Just please keep in mind that, as you pointed out, we're associated with Famous and not a major publisher - we're a small, family-owned business.

Here's the bottom line - I'm looking for someone who has a Barracuda, knows something about photography, is passionate about their car hobby and wouldn't mind getting their car placed in a digital magazine. Preference given to those who do it because they do it for the love of it - kind of like us, and cigars.

Just want to be as open as I can be, as well as fair and forward! Again, anyone interested, feel free to drop a PM with your details so we can touch base.