can I use this coil as is?

As you can read resistor is for points system. You dont need it with 4 pin Mopar ecu. Ecu can easily deal with high current what 0.7 ohm coil gives. it work without resistor for me and it work for without resistor for everyone.

You, .............uh,,,,,,,,,,,,know this for a fact or are you just guessing? Seems to me that we alternate on here about people guessing about coils and resistors, on the other hand lots of people bitchin' about ECU's which are melting the potting material out the back of the case.

All I'm sayin is you might want to consider.......................

There's a big big difference between a 1/4 mile drag car, and a street car that might actually be run for 8 or 10 hours at a time in the hottest temperatures you can imagine.