can I use this coil as is?

I will be going HEI one day, But for now, I am pretty happy with my electronic ignition. How do you convert to HEI?

There are several ways. The setup Trailbeast comes up with allows future electronic advance control. There is lots of discussion on using improved coils ("E core coils)

But I took the absolute cheapest way out, with the exception that I bought what I "hope" is the best quality module available. I use the older, "original" style HEI module out of a "large cap" GM V8. Most guys mount them on a heat sink. I simply mounted mine to the firewall. Many guys use special coils. I simply used my factory Mopar coil.

Many say that with the coil I have this is not "true HEI" and they are right --to a point-- but this system produces a MUCH hotter spark than the Mopar ECU system, if for no other reason that there is no ballast. An added benefit of an HEI module is, that if for some reason you leave the key on, even for testing, etc, the COIL DOES NOT draw current. This is not true of points or the original Mopar ECU, or several other OEM systems.

I also threw together a module and coil "in a box" which has allowed me to quickly test fire 3 used engines and also becomes a "quick" emergency replacement spare

This thread:

All I did to mount mine. One screw hole was already there, that is where "they" had mounted the conversion Mopar system: