Why is my dusters glove compartment full of water?

Here are pics of where to look for the leak. Note these are minor rust holes and sometimes they are closer toward the windshield and larger. Usually if the windshield leaks it comes down inside the kick panels or the firewall. There are drains that lead from the windshield into the cowl area. then it still comes into the car at this location.

As you can see when it rusts at this area it does not lead inside the heater box. The rust holes are on the out side of the seal. And most of the time closer to the windshield above the glove box.

On this car it was worse on the drivers side the side with the studs. It depends on how the car is setting and where the debris sets and which drain clogs. But most cars have clogged drains or at least partially blocks.

This can be repaired without removing the cowl very easy. And if the car is already painted the repair can be made without cosmetic damage to the paint .