Do you beleave in Aliens ?

Here is more on the Bell if you are interested.

Yes and furthermore I believe we are kind of like an experiment, these creator beings are keeping us like a beekeeper keeps bees.
Ok, here goes.
I am not a religious person, but more of a scientific minded person.
This causes me to wonder the same thing (Could we be just an expiriment?)
Is it possible that the entity we call God is some being that seeded the planet for expirimental purposes?
What if this entity decides to dump the contents of our existance and start over?

One possibility,
This entity comes back to earth some day and says to us,
"I created you and left you here to take care of this planet and to live together peacefully in the process".
"Your ONE and ONLY job was to co exist with the other humans to be the keepers of this world and you have done everything in your power to ruin it and kill each other!"
"You are all DONE, and I am starting over.