Do you beleave in Aliens ?

I Beleave:
We are only products of evolution.
The unexplained U.F.O.'s is nothing but experimental crafts of flight.
If we think that we are being visited by aliens from another planet that takes light years
of flight as we know it to get here, then you better hide.
There technology and advancement would be so superior to us, there intent would to be to require our resources, not to check out our Mopar's


I could never believe we evolved from lesser species. Those others have too many attributes that we dont have. Why would we forfiet the ability to fly, see well in the dark, or hold our breath for extended periods ? Those are only 3 examples of the many abilities we lost along the way.
Bargaining in evloution ? We traded our tail for a longer ***** than the ape has? ROFL