Self Driving Cars, good or bad

Well the pro types are being display, means its coming, least cars that will brake if you follow too closely and maybe prevent rapid lane changing. Volvo, Toyota and Audi all have been showing off their cars. Volvo claims within 15 years their cars will not crash due to driver error.

I'm on the fence about them, IF it helps speed up traffic--like moving the car right when the traffic light turns green that sure help but seems like so many of these safety things have just screw stuff up. Heavy chrome steel bumpers gave way to air bags that are so unsafe kids are not allowed in the front seats since they were getting killed in parking lot accidents. Anti lock brakes stop slower on dirt roads since the wheels no longer lock up and dig in the dirt to stop. No problem just put the kids in the back seats and pave most all the roads but what other changes will cars that control themselves bring?

If its like the past, those cars are 20 years off from the real world. Fuel Injection was to happen in the mid 70's but didn't really happen till the late 80's. Same with air bags, they kept being put off and didn't happen till 1990.

It be freaken great if you could sleep and the car would drive on the freeways. Wake up in the morning and be 500 miles someplace else BUT we likely won't see that. We will just get the cars that will not let you zip around traffic and who knows what else--phone the cops if you speed too often, lol