Do you beleave in Aliens ?

Nope, no Klingons, Vulcans, or Romulans. No Men in Black monitoring alien activity here on earth. No Cylons hunting down the human race. No Minbari.

Could God have recreated elsewhere the conditions that support life here? I can only say that it is His universe and if He did, and I don't believe He did, but ...IF...He did, He has no obligation to tell us.

The scientific community has mostly discredited the theory of evolution based on what we do know about the basic laws of physics and science, that all matter tends to move from a state of stability to a state of chaos. For evolution to have any validity, matter would have to move from a state of chaos to a state of stability, and thus contradict all known scientific laws and principles. Tens of thousands of scientists the world over support this position.

Now see, it's hard to make an argument with someone who believes God made everything, because he can do anything, anywhere, at any time he wishes, so how can we say he was only able to create life where life can be supported? Right?
The other issue that's hard to deal with in a conversation about it is that apparently God can do whatever he sees fit, and not explain anything to anybody. (not that I feel he should have to or anything)
This is the "faith" part.

We had "faith" that the world was flat, and that ALL fat was bad for us too.

Everything is what it is, and isn't what it isn't.
I just don't have the faith that human kind is capable of deciding which is which without getting it a wrong, as usual.

Not arguing it with you Randy
It's just part of the overall conversation.