Something you never want to see on a scan of your wife's lung

Well, the time has come. Gotta have Linda at the hospital at 5:30am for surgery. We're in good spirits, but obviously scared at the same time. We've got your prayers, thoughts and concern in the bank so we truly believe a positive outcome will result.

I'll be here for a few, but my wireless adapter took a dump and i only have a dumb phone, so i can only post from home. It may be a while, but i'll update as soon as possible.

Side note: She put a leave of absent's letter in to her supervisor last week along with the required doctor's notes, kinda like Doctor said 5/6 weeks until she'd be full strength, so she put late Feb. for a comeback date. Well, today she went to pick up her recent paycheck and the HR woman told her if she can't be back by Feb. 8th, that she no longer had employment and would have to reapply and she could be rehired if they needed someone and would lose her time served :violent1:, real nice. All i could tell Linda was f'um. Sorry for the mini rant, just needed to get that off my chest.

We both just want to thank you all for being our FABO family, Rick & Linda