Holley guru's- need advice

I looked closer at the carb last night. The base is a 4779-2 as are both metering blocks. It's a 4-corner idle carb with the secondary power valve blocked off. Jets are 73 (pri) and 78s (sec). Squirters are HUGE. I believe they've been drilled out because the numbers have been filed off. Easy enough to fix... The air bleeds ARE the stock sizes. I spoke with Holley tech yesterday and got the stock specs. Idle air bleeds are stock .070 and and the inner ones are stock .031". I'm just gonna rebuild this and see how it runs. The throttle shafts are nice and tight and it seems to be in good shape. Worst comes to worst, I'll sell it and get a new 650dp and I'm only out the $50 for the kit.

And I totally see what you're saying. I spoke with Brian again yesterday. He said if the air bleeds have been drilled, I'm better off starting with a new carb. But since they are stock size, i'll see how it runs. I just wanna get this Eddy carb off my car. Never did like those carbs. Anyone in the market for a newish 600 eddy??? haha!