1966 Disc Brake Conversion Questions

As you state it is a personal choice and whatever makes one happy! But I will say one last thing you put your time money and love into your hot rod, Mopar, antique restoration! To have the motor run hot and go fast is one thing not so hard, but to make the old baby stop is another, on todays roads, with todays drivers, it is reality to be able to stop on a dime! If the car can go zero to sixty quick it needs to stop just as quick! So spending a little more on a good kit to make it stop right is what it takes I will do it every time! Again it is my opinion! I had my 66 cuda munched by a fool pulling out of his driveway on my way home from Great Lakes Dragway one rainy Sunday afternoon, minding my own business going slow, he creamed my baby! I will never forget it and never do anything to allow another fool to hit me again, or not spend a lttle more to make sure my end is top of the line! It is simple to be safe on todays roads, not simple to protect oneself from fools on todays roads!!!! See them everyday!!! JMO again!

65CudaLover Go Fast Stop Fast!!! Mopar or No Car!!!