PayPal Scam?

This is the last response I got from them.

Okay that is fine by me.I will be paying the 2.9% PayPal surcharge
from my account. So i will be paying directly into your PayPal account
without any delay, and i hope you have a paypal account. If you have
one already, just send me the address to send it to, which is the
email address you use for it or you can send me a paypal money
request, so once i receive the details i will go ahead with the
payment through PayPal and then i will contact my shipping company
after you get the payment. I will need your home address for the
merchandise to be Picked Up by the Shipping Company.

We have had a few emails back and forth on the condition and such. This person hasn't even come to look at the piano! For $4000 I would be coming to look at it. I wouldn't be making payment and shipping it on someones word but that's me. They have said that they want it to go on their credit card but it Smells like a scam to me but definetly better than I'm a pricess who wants to give you 500 million dollars if you help me scam!!!