Low Rider Mopars

well the late 70s were a time of personal luxury ......and to me i agree with the above statement of each to his or her own ....but IMO your cordoba captures the true heritage of Chrysler of the times of the late 70s.
those low-riders and customs have no regard for the times and historical statement of these cars.

your doba as-is is a time machine to days long gone and will never come back .....and to me thats what ppl on avaerage like to see.....

at a car show i would rather take a pic with your original or period correct doba than a Ferrari or some pimp car

the point of restoring a car is rewind the hands of time and re-capture what was at one time .......but like everything else ...in a world where everything is destined to die and decay...true history can come at a big price and time is not always easy to rewind

People have been making low riders since the 50's rani. It's not about heritage, it's about making a car truly yours. That's the whole point I hot roding, but someone who just wants a car the way it came from the factory wouldn't know anything about that would they?