Low Rider Mopars

I was invited one day by a couple of my students to bring my '61 Dodge to a cruise on Fort Worth's North Side. I was smart enough to talk my wife into going, as she speaks, reads and writes mexican and I don't.

I was told to park my rig in a certain spot to be inspected. Fifteen minutes later I was apparently a new member. My favorite was when asked what kind of car it was, I told them it was a 61 Dodge Phoenix. One fellow responded "..Dodge made cars in 61????" These folks take their car hobby VERY SERIOUSLY. I liken it to baseball vs. softball: The basic premise is the same but the game is played differently. As the supply and quality of early 60's "chebbies" dry up, they're starting to snap up the very Mopars most of us musclecar people ignored: big c-bodies, Imperials, Polaras, as well as b-body 4-doors.

And if you've been finding car shows dull and boring I highly checking out a low rider show: The folks can flat out throw a party!!

Proud to be known as: "EL UNICO CIUDADANO BLANCO"