Low Rider Mopars

Well Put Rev,...I had a kid that worked for me in the early 80's when I lived in SoCal,...He was pres of the local lowride club, and He had a slammed Doba,...It was a sharp car,...Those kids put some serious wrench time in their rides and It showed,....

It's not always about hot roddin,... Some of us just like to cruz, Some of us believe everything should be a daily driver, and some of us have to be Factory Correct...Every person has the right to build a car that reflects their own taste and personality,...And I damn sure ain't gonna put anyone down who puts in the wrenchtime on ANY Mopar,...

I'm not a fan of them fancy paint jobs and pan scrubber suspensions, nor am I a fan of "It has to factory correct" either,.....I'm more of a Look lo but not be lo, muscular, stick to the road in the twisty's, primer black, chirp gears kinda guy...

Besides, the world would be a boring place if we all thought the same...

You go Cliff...
Hi jaimus and Thanks the fun stuff is Chrome and that won't be cheap. I guess I better find some spare suspension parts LOL