Post your cat

It took me a long time to replace Hemi, only replace isn't the word. She was one of a kind, so it's more along the lines that I have companions again.

This is Quorra. I found her when she was about 3 weeks old, abandoned by her mother and was going to be put to sleep because she "wouldn't eat" (what a load of crap that was, I took her home and she scarfed down food like crazy)

Sadly she had an Upper Respiratory Infection before I got her, and lost the sight in her left eye due to it.

She doesn't like cameras, so it was hard to get this new pic (yes she is that small, that's an xbox 360 controller beside now 6 month old Quorra. Not a "lap cat" either, she does her own thing and comes strolling over when she wants attention.

And this is Amalia, a purebreed Tortoiseshell. She is a lap cat and craves attention. Though for a long time she was extremely skittish and afraid of everything, sudden movements, loud voices on tv, etc (I believe she came from an abusive home. Sadly many Torties are abused because many people think they're ugly)