OMG what a Hamburger

i finally did it!!!!!! i ate a hamburger for the first time in my life today and OMG it was beautiful!!!!!

it was a carls Jr. six dollar burger (got it for $3. hee hee)
it was huge, i cut in half and i couldnt even finish i feel like im ready to burst.

the way they mix the kethup with mayo MMMMMMMMM. it was glorious.

my new years resolution is to gain more weight and reach 100 lbs (14 lbs to go) so im hopeing bringing the beef will help. i was raised vegatarian and my parents would flip if they knew i did this ....but as long as you guys dont tell hee hee

Carls Jr definately found a new customer here :cheers:

alright !!!! where is the next cookout on the grill ...count me in for another Hamburger :-D