do you know or not??? (me rambling)

Only know what you know, don't know what you don't know. If you don't know and you don't know that you don't know, hopefully someone sees a glimmer of hope in you and help bring your Port to the broadside.
If you don't know and you know that you don't know then YOU need to bring your Port to the broadside before an opposing vessel flanks you and Sinks your Battleship! Step your game up and remember you don't need a 4 year University to get "educated".
If you know and you know that you know, the fun is just beginning but don't get snarky and complacent. One of the biggest mistakes by those in "the Know" is they forget that they're not a party of One.
Knowing is a Suffering of sorts but it's a pain that you'll get used to. For in much wisdom is much grief, and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow [King James].
And also in ending if you know and you know so and you see the don't know that he doesn't know, lead him to the know that he doesn't know phase and step back. Knowledge and Wisdom cannot be forced, it must be desired by the subject for it to cling and affect....

How's that!!!