My New FABO Reality Show...Rani, I'ma Callin' You Out!!!

no update from camp rani in a few days started monday for me i been at the University a lot last two days.

Sunday night i stayed up late and tried a rally cluster on for size......i like the direction this is going :cheers:

sunday night i also finished installing the four speed hump so no more driving down the road and seeing the ground anymore.......i kinda liked that too LOL not the best welding i have done in my time but the welder was acting strange .....i think the nozzle tip thinger needs replaced again

so from now on if im not here then im prolly at school LOL.....cant wait till MAY.....graduation, then i can go back to life like it was this Christmas break.....during the break the whole point of my life was work on the car, now its a side project :banghead: