Something you never want to see on a scan of your wife's lung

Hi guys. Linda came home yesterday afternoon. It's been a little rough and her attitude wasn't great last night and this morning as far as continuing the breathing rehab. I completely understand as she's been thru he!! in the last week, but it's mandatory to keep from getting pnumonia in that lung after the surgery. Well, this afternoon has been better as i finally got her in the shower, after 7 days...yikes, and she seems to be getting a little more back to her old self. A couple laughs, smiles and eager to eat some food makes me think it's gonna be ok. The wounds have 99% sealed and if there are no malfunctions, the follow up is scheduled for the 29th of Jan. We can't thank everyone enough for the prayers and support. It's definetely working so far. Hopefully tomorrow i'll be able to spend some more time here......Hey, i'm having my own withdrawal

And the relief you feel must be overwhelming. Seeing her come around to her old self and seeing the wounds heal, must feel like the weight of the world has been lifted from your shoulders. You'll be alright.

I gotta say, I'm writing this with a smile on my face and some bittersweet tears in my eyes, Rick. It's good to read this.