Something you never want to see on a scan of your wife's lung

Thanks guys. It's like some weird mood swings with her at times. Guess that can be expected.

Yes Mike, i'm doing good taking care of the day to day stuff. Some i do anyway, so it's pretty easy for me. I will keep pushing her as much as i can. Thanks to you and Treva for the support.

Robert, i know the bittersweet feelings, i have them too brother. Will be in touch.

Asa, thanks man, you got a big heart. I'll be in touch.

Thank you Bill, your a good man and we appreciate your support.

Guys, i'm just taking this evening to catch up on the site and trying to get my mind closer to normal......if i ever was Hoping to get Linda on here soon to see the latest posts. It really helps:thumblef:.

I have some contacts here to make, hopefully tomorrow.

Not to sound like a little girl, but i love you guys!