
I could watch eagles all day if I could, I watched a video live link last year as the pare of
Eagles awaited there new born and even seen one fly in with a big jack rabbit :cheers:
Getting a picture of one myself will be a great day for sure :glasses7: we have them here on Black river close by and I see them training there yearlings to fly , you can see the adults just above them here on the hill way up in the sky.
That is a great picture of a big nest :cheers: I think they should be getting active gathering food about now to feed there eaglets.. My uncle Robert past away a few years back and his two sons and I went to Brookens access where uncle Robert would take us fishing after the funeral and we seen a full fledged eagle carrying a large fish in his talons not over 30 feet above our heads :angel3: we took it as a sign that Robert was resting and not in pain anymore.... I will never forget that day..:angel3:
We have a large population of bald Eagles here know and I hope to get a great picture of them one day and share this day hear with everyone.
I think the California Condor is the largest American bird of flight :icon_smi: that would be cool to see. Keep an eye on that nest and have a camera ready :glasses7: looks like a dandy one for sure. and thank you for sharing