71 Demon, would you buy it??

That was kind of my thought based on the fact its a dealer selling the car. I figure they have it on consignment and the price got boosted so they could meke thier money off the car too. Someone will buy this car at somepoint. Truth is we could put just as much money if not more in one of our cars to get it to look this nice. No doubt there was a ton thrown into this one. Do you think it was not even a Mopar guy who was behind this build?? I say that because a buddy of mine who I have known for years has always been a Chevy guy and a couple of years back he scored a numbers matching 70 340 Swinger 4 speed car and decided to restore it. All he kept telling me when he decided to redo the car is 'you Mopar guys and your damned expensive parts' and 'its just too hard to find all the right crap for this car' and I know he is right. We do pay more for Mopar stuff and its sometimes hard to get parts. Its getting easier though thanks to repops but I like the challenge of trying to find oem parts and like them better on my car. I know that if I was restoring this car it would have been done as correct on body, interior and acessories. Being not a numbers matching car I would have resto modded it with a bunch of bling under the hood and left everything else pretty much stock correct in case I would have to sell it off and the new owner would want original but thats just me. When I take another look at this car and see things done wrong on it to me it kind of looks like a car that was bought and had stuff missing and new parts were added to complete it. I would not mind getting a truckload of new stuff for my car and letting the people who did this car redo mine. I bet this car turns heads when it gets driven.