71 Demon, would you buy it??

To me THATS the fun. Its the thrill of the hunt!! That is how I got almost everything for my Swinger. And yes, my Dart is done wrong. However, anything done to the car can be corrected without alot of effort but this was done for me. I figure a 70 Swinger with a slant in it wont bring the elite Mopar clan to their knees asking 'WHY'??? I also would not ask 31K to sell it either. But like you said, not being able to get the parts and you had to scrounge for parts back in the day. To me thats what made my build so special. I am not seeing this Demon for what it is. All them bucks and all that time spent on a nicely done car and listing it as not a 100% correct car and all the effort into making it appear correct at 31K. I guess I just dont get it!!!

Nah dude, you get it. It's the guy shilling the car that doesn't. Then again, it's their job to turn a profit. So is that guy gonna be out there like a side show huckster? Yeup. Is some guy gonna be swooned by the bearded lady? Yeup.