
First I just want to say this is nothing against people who post here about there life problems and ask for help and prayers.

We all deal with lifes problems in our on way,and I support everyone who goes through these ordeals and for some public venting can be a good thing.

I rarely vent in public about personal issues but this time I have to.

Recently nov7th to be exact my wife went in for achillies surgery.
Both are torn and she is a fighter and been wearing braces for 3 years.

Long story short things started out good doing well doing what we thought
was a final exam and she was going to be discharged.

The doc looks at her foot and I quote. " almost sorry I brought you in this looks great. Except for this one little spot." so he proceeds to give her a local and starts digging.

Packs it with medication and has it wraped and says leave it on don't get it wet and I will see you in a week.

So the week goes by they take off the wrap and he goes oh my!
The pin hole is now golf ball size they admit her and put her on IV antibiotics.

During the entire week he never stoped in once or returned my calls.
Sent in his assistant who said we are concerned the infection is in the bone and if things don't clear up we may have to consider desperate measures. As in amputate.

Yesterday we had a meeting as he decided it was time I guess to make a grand showing.

He examines her foot and says your fine I am going to discharge you and you can start light walking on it as long as the shoe has no heel to rub the back.

Really after all that. I'm not going to comment on what transpired after that but he felt uncomfortable to ask for security to be called.