
I'm feelin' ya, Ray.

For a week after Sarah's second surgery I saw nothing of her attending surgeon. Nothing. I saw the trauma unit doctors, I saw the residents, I saw the nurses, but I didn't see the attending and I didn't see his personal nurse. At all.

Until I saw him in the hallway as I was leaving to have a cigarette one night.

Things changed after that.

Then, later on, as the trauma doctors were making rounds I didn't even see them. They'd come to the room, shut the door, and discuss her case, but none of them would come into tell me what was going on either.

That was the second time I had to put my foot down. The second time was when the doctors figured it out. I wasn't going to be ignored. The roof nearly came off the hospital. After that, if the primaries weren't available - either the attending or one of the directors of the trauma unit - all I had to do was tell a nurse I needed to speak to someone. I usually had a resident in the room within minutes after that.

Some times these educated idiots need a reminder that they work for us. Not the other way around.

After my experiences with Sarah, I will tell you, that it'll be a long time before I trust another surgeon. For anything.