318 with NOS?

You try the N20 first,see if you like it. A 100 to 125.shot,at most. You need a GOOD fuel system.Check all the rubber lines under the car. If bad,change em out. Add a good Carter mechanial Streep/strip pump,(and if you can afford it)a adjustable fuel regulator. A electronic factory ignition in good shape,a minimum.MSD/ CRANE multi spark box,best. Used junk fries motors,don't kill your ride. Pull 2 degrees of timing out,for every 50 hp on spray. Run 91 to 93 pump hi test. I like the basic NOS 125 POWER SHOT,as a beginner kit.Run the microswitch on the throttle,as per instructions. Need W.F.O,before you hit it. Prepare for the new drug.......:burnout::prayer: