Family's 66 Dart 270 Resto has started

Sorry for the long delay but we got the front end stripped down to the bare-ish bones. We have the motor all ready to get pulled out, Dad and I are gonna strip it and rebuild it ourselves when we get the engine stand in. We haven't decided what color to go with but we are making a lot of headway in getting it ready for paint. We have stripped all of the chrome pieces off and I've decided to leave the long stripping down the body off of the car other than the "Dart 270" piece, to make it look a little unique i'm using the front tapered strip and adding it on to the back piece. It should look pretty cool, I'm gonna try and get it together and take a picture so ya'll can see. But anyways, here are the pictures...

Any suggestions on the paint are appreciated. We are in between a goldish-tan along the major part of the body and a maroon color for the body line that wraps around the car. Either that or a full deep forrest green or a royal/navy blue color. Should look good with some painted rims and chrome dish insterts.