
I know where your coming from Bud. Been going thru the 1 step forward 2 steps back thing for 5yrs or so myself. Some good ideas here so far. The accomplishing thing really makes me feel better and as far as the warm, sun, outside stuff, that was great for me too. I was never more content then the 17yrs i lived in So. florida. I know you can't do a exercise routine, but if you can just move around some during the day it will help some. So far i've been strong enough to handle things, but the feelings of anxiety seem to pop up almost daily. As said earlier, the worst thing i found is to dwell on things you can't fix right now. That's why i pop on here dozen's of time a day just to give my mind a break. Haven't been very social, but just reading and making a comment here and there get's me moving on to something else. In the end, i'm not sure i'm any help, but i do understand. Stay strong my friend, better day's are ahead for both of us:thumrigh:.