
Music around me when I feel a bought of the big D word trying to enter my life, I tend to look at folks that have it 10 times worse then I do and count my blessings, and get on a regiment every day regardless and before you know it you will feel good of your accomplishments even if they are small ones Cliff.
I agree with many thoughts here but K.O. SWINGER hit it on the nail :cheers:

My day = wake up and and start a pot of coffee as it is brewing I look in the mirror and say LETS DO IT !! Wash my hands and face, shave, brush my teeth and dress for the day, because the first thing I have to do is take Buddy my 2 year old Boxer some water that is not frozen :toothy9: then I site down and enjoy a cup of coffee with for a bodies only family :coffee2:
HAY!! It's cold outside!! let the sun shine in your home:cheers: and enjoy cooking breakfast :glasses7: Hay it works for me Cliff, and it is hard to make your self do it everyday like clock work, but I do slip and can tell it when I do :wack::wack: some days are different disgust and when I get out of that routine that is when the dreaded D word will creep in your life.........:thumbdow: .... Hobbies is a must,:happy1: and it is a responsibility to move forward on them, my Avocado tree would die if I did not take care of it, same goes for my own limbs... self help time is a must do for me to keep myself in shape good enough to be helpful, standing against the wall with my back to it and do nothing but stand as straight as I can and monitor my breathing in my noose out my mouth for a shot of oxygen for my blood and brain..... stand there for 4 minutes thats all.

APA pool league keeps me sane also, I want to be my best at it and enjoy new friends, yep going on 3 years know ..:joker:

Cliff always remember there is a better day to enjoy, some of them can be bad, and remember this, If you have a problem that you can fix take your time it takes to fix it, the problems you can't do anything about :sign7: take it off your list of problems :cheers:
Music and no tv was a great change for me, I do watch tv but know when it's time to shut it off has been my friend for a long time.

Well you asked and I had to put my thoughts in on this Cliff:glasses7:

The Green monster is Jealousy :sign7: so I quess the D monster is kin to him .. If all ells fails Tequila is a great way to pick up your spirits :joker: