
Thank you Everyone for the kind words (makes me feel good).
I saw the Thread (depression) and wanted to help out.
Some bad people do good ,some good people do bad.
I think that is wrong, Good people do good, and bad people do bad.
Dustermaniac I would accept help from good people (help your family
get through this hard time) and do not feel guilty of it.
You have to do what you have to do.
Depression is very serious Cliff ,You hit it on the head by posting it, and now
to work at it. Me I get hit every day with it and take a deep breath then try to
do a normal schedule and add different things as not to make daily routines boring.
Be STRONG and fight it, don't let it win.

Darryl, this posts tells me a lot.

Cliff, depression is a different thing for different people. The triggers can be different, whether it be external influences or internal. We all have those tipping points in our lives where things aren't right and we can't make 'em right - at least in the short term. It's the acceptance of that, which sometimes helps us recognize what's going on and how to deal with it.

The internal forces, though, if that's what they are, need to be addressed with medical professionals.

It's the external forces that I'm gonna talk about, though, having a little bit of experience in that area.

I'd experienced depression before in my life. Usually when I get depressed, it pisses me off. That anger leads to determination. The determination gets me motivated to do all the things that'd I put off, or taking care of those things that seem insurmountable. But that's me. I can't speak for everyone.

That is, until about four months ago. Ya'll know the story. I thought I was losing my mind. It was something I couldn't pull myself out of, know matter how hard I tried. This was something I didn't know if I wanted to pull myself out of. I wanted to die, too. This was different.

My family saw it. My friends saw it. Our buddy on here - and one helluva friend to me, 3404speed, Mr. John Heath - gave me a call to take care of a couple of things that his mom needed done. I went with him. He later admitted to me that if I didn't agree to go, I was going anyway as he was going to drag me out of the house by the collar of my shirt if he needed to.

Don't discount your friends, Cliff. Sometimes they see things in us that we don't see in ourselves. Sometimes they see things we need that we don't recognize. Just a change of scenery, a light conversation on the phone, sitting and having a few laughs can help.

You chime in on every prayer thread, Cliff. I'll take it to say you're a Believer. Depression can get in our way with our connection with God.

My best friend is sitting next to me as I write this. She's a depressed young woman at times. Things have been coming hot and heavy at her lately. External stresses that she feels she can't control.

She's gone to church with me a couple of times. She's sat and listened to me witness to her about where Sarah is. Today is the 16th anniversary of her brother's day of birth...and her brother's day of death. She's heard me talk about where her brother is...even though she didn't quite accept it.

Until the other day. She was depressed. She was angry at everything and that was making her more depressed. And she heard God speak to her. Literally. She was walking on cloud nine after that. She understood everything that's in her life isn't her's to control, but part of His plan for her. And she got a glimpse of the idea that Plan is about His glory, not ours.

Sometimes, Cliff, we need to quiet ourselves, those of us who Believe, and let God speak. We say our prayers and expect Him to listen. We forget to do the same thing. Our prayers should be our marching orders for the day. Open ourselves up and listen to what He has to say to us. Let Him touch us and guide us.