
Yeah I know its not so cool to like forget about people. Over the years I noticed I'm not a very social person, I used to blame others but now see its mostly me. I give up too quickly and being lazy doesn't help matters, lol

I felt the same way in my early 20's, that I cheated death and yeah, you look at every day as its another day you should not really be having. People used to chuckle when I said I'm just happy to be alive.

It fades after so long--like 10--15 years it was for me. Now I look at it as too many people get killed when they really should not have. Dying should not be so easy.

Like a few years back I was watching the local TV news and some car driven by a teenager got hit by a train as the driver went around down gates. 4 teens were inside and they go saying all were killed on impact and they had a large sheet over the car and were saying the bodies were still inside.

I got so tick off, how did they really know all those teens were dead if they just left them in the car ? The car wasn't split in half, heck ER claim I was D.O.A. (Dead on arrival) and they were able to bring me back in the nick of time. Today its like EMS just don't even try to save some folks if they believe they "had it coming to them"

Then they were going around telling everybody--see--see, this is why you always stop for RR gates. I can't believe none of those 4 teens couldn't have been saved, if they could save Gabrielle Giffords they could save more folks if they really-really wanted to, IMO