1966 Dodge and the D-Dart 'Mistake'

.630 Lift,,,,,

What did they do, cut out 'trenches' in the piston tops with a pick-ax.

We tried about '10' different camshafts, while running in Stock Class thru 1971.

* Stock Camshaft......... .425/.425 ~ 248* Duration

* Sealed Power............ .430/.430 ~ 252* Duration
* Engle Blueprinted....... .425/.425 ~ 248* Duration
* Engle 260................. .430/.440 ~ 260* Duration

Those were the 'first ones' we tried, and there was absolutely 'no'
significant improvement in increasing the performance of the engine,
or lowering the (E.T.) over the stock camshaft.

Then we tried a 'Cheater Camshaft' that was supposedly the 'Hot
Bumpstick', with the stock lift .425/.425 but had a low-taper design
with a 'secret duration'.

The car went 'slower'.