Punked...Mopars are too expensive !!!

i like many here have been around these cars a long time.. i have a ton of mopar friends and man mopar guys are the most close minded overerly sensitive and insecure people i know.. i love my mopar buddies but i'll call it as i see it.. doesn't make them bad people. i'm proud to call them my friends. all good guys.

and **** man.. ever since mopar became the new fad theres all kinds of check book guys involved and bringing them out to cruises and shows.. mopars are not unique at any event anymore.

no need for the guy to have to leave the site. there are plenty of guys here with other interests other then mopars. thats just more insecurity and close mindedness showing. the guy has a damn nice looking camaro. i would love to see more pictures or it and hear more details about it..

i'm on a few mustang boards.. i have my mustang as my sig pic but have a little picture of my dart as my avatar. you wouldn't believe how many people comment and ask about the dart.. the one board wanted me to put a thread together (in the off topic section) all about it.. i posted it and the positive comments were amazing to me.. not one person wanted to run me off the site because it wasn't a mustang.. being used to mopar boards where the guys get pissed and want to defriend you and run you out of town because you sold a mopar and bought a different make this came as a pleasant surprise.. i posted pics of some of my former cars and some of jamies dart.. they loved the pictures and asked for more..

in the end we are all car guys. some can appreciate other makes and models and maybe own them also. some are just too close minded to like other stuff. its got to suck to be them is all i have to say.. too many cool makes and models out there to pigeon hole yourself into just mopars.