Flipping a house, any lawyers here?

Be very, very, careful with SS Disability. Had a friend that lost his because he was working 10 hours a week at Mickey D's and a $5000 lottery winner put him over the limit and he was cut off. They don't give a rat's *** how you make the money. If you somehow bring home more than the earnings limit you WILL be cut off. I am battling with them right now because in their eyes I have been miraculously healed since my family physician can not produce any images or treatment records relating to my injuries. Duh, I went to a pain clinic for that and he had all the relevant images and records. My records are now in the possession of the DEA since they raided his office and confiscated everything on the premises on December 8, 2010. I guess that Social Insecurity is doing their part to lessen the impact of the Fiscal Cliff to the taxpayers, but what about folks like us? If you give them any grease, they WILL use it.