A 440 A-Body... that can handle?

I'd gladly do a fiberglass hood, as long as I could do a scoop of some sort (maybe a snorkel?) and a Matte black look on it (always liked that on the demons) I'd also like to see a 4 speed in this hypothetical car at some point too, but that's a ways off obviously

I'm taking note of all your ideas and insights. Opinions really are important to me in this subject. Again, just to reiterate,
1) I don't have a specific car chosen
2) I'm not currently financially able to purchase a project car
3) I'm still deciding what I would want to do with the car (Drag racing or more of an auto-cross style racing), but I know I would like to drive it on the street. afterall, what fun is a car if you can't (legally) drive it to see friends?