My new Isky solid flat tappit cam (video)

You timing by ear, least thats how I been doing it. Once the advance is fully in-around 3,000 rpm- you keep advancing the timing by turning the dist until the engine speed stops increasing and lock it down. I then use a timing light to just see where its at and then road test and make small adjustments from that setting.

How do you time by plugs, doesn't the A/F change the plug colors
I get it close by ear (thats how its tuned right now) and will be good enough for a first pass.Just to the point where it tries to kick back when hot ,then a hair retarded from there.There is a certain point on any motor that i can hear .If you advance it when up to temp holding it at about 2500-3000 (till the advance is all in with my dist) there is a small point where it levels out and doesnt change much with a tad more advance.I stop just at that point where there is no change. On any camed motor i will keep slowly feeding as much timing as it wants until it just begins to start detonation .At the track i will bring several new plugs with me.I will change out one each pass for a new one.Keep increasing the timing by a touch each time until the strap on the plug has the heat halo right on its elbow .If its more to the end of the strap than its too slow ,if its more towards the base of the strap then its too advanced .Right on the elbow is ideal for a given application .I learned this trick from an old racer 20 years ago ...