what do cops look for?

I'm thinkin they were just a..holes like most all of em,...I can say that because I've dated a couple, and now I work with one,...Walk around dressed like jack booted Nazi's who got the "Do as I say, not as I do" attitude,...They have the ability to ruin yer day if you look at em wrong, without reason or probable cause....

I have to deal with them on a professional level when I do my fire dept stuff,...But I gotta tell ya, things generally go a lot smoother when we can finish up and get the hell outa dodge before they show up, ...I've learned that after 35 years of fire and EMS work...

I bet ya'll can count on one hand the number of times you've had a cop give you good news...

No, I'm not a felon or a dealer, I'm a vet, a registered voter and gun owner,...Sorry if your offended, but there is a reason I live in a cop free town, and like it...

I'm starting to share your feelings on most of these small town wanna be's. I live in a small farming town of 10,000. Seems like every time I stop at 7-11 for a cup of coffee before work I have a different shaved head local yokal sizing me up standing next to the coffee and donut display. Most times I feel like asking "what the f^&k are you looking at?" These cops are a dime a dozen and most have some kind of inferiority complex who get a stiffy if you have a tail light out. My attitude is that if all else fails in life, I could always become a cop.