what do cops look for?

i live in a farm area too and at night they have a shift of nice guys.....i deliver newspapers in the wee hours of the morning and at that time there are a few officers who know me and know what im doing out, so they have actually seen me stopped before and come to ask me if i need help with anything....actually makes me feel safer bcoz i know they will help me and one time i had a strange guy chasing me and i was able to pass by where they hang out with the guy on my tail and they jumped in to see what was going on ........the guy chasing me was drunk and thought i was mailbox bashing. kinda scary.

but these two gents today were on the afternoon shift and i have never seen them before and they obviously didnt know me. makes me wonder if they are hiring and training new guys

Don't get me wrong and I would feel different if I lived in a crime ridden area, but nothing happens here and I mean nothing. Some of them are cool and actually helpful. I am actually good friends with the chief of police and he lives two houses down from me. Our kids play together all of the time, we go to the same church and have had dinner on a couple of occasions with his family.
I don't have an issue with a cop who is very professional, heck I know they have a job to do, but I can't stand one who has an attitude from the get go and plays twenty questions, because I have a light out.