Something you never want to see on a scan of your wife's lung

Hello everyone......

Today was Linda's follow up after surgery. After a X-ray and multiple stethoscope checks, her recovery seems to be on track. What they saw and heard was a minor issue that was attributed to some scar tissue from the surgery, and that was considered normal. They still believe they got it all, but as a precaution, the're "strongly" recommending chemo in 4 treatments, 3 weeks apart, because it was near some lymph nodes and just incase there are any cells left floating around. It's her choice and they would begin Feb 25th if she decides to go forward. The concensus is that it would add a 10% greater chance of non-recural. We do have a few weeks to mull it over and will let them know when a decision is made.

Good news. Thanks for the update, Rick. We're still praying for you guys.

I know i started this thread on a car site and i will try and scale it back at this point. To me, the great thing about our non-car conversations is that we can all learn about and get to know each other on different scale. That's what makes us family and FABO the best site on the net, imo.

Scale it back? Don't you dare! Yeah, it's a car site, but things like what you're going through help to remind us that car issues and the hobby itself has it's place.

And, dare I say it, that happens to be on the low end of the spectrum in situations like Linda's and your's.

Bottom line: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, from both of us for all the prayers, support and first hand knowledge that have helped get us thru this in ways you may never know. And to the members that i have been closer to, please forgive me if i seemed aloof at times. I think i'm getting a handle on things and hope to be a better friend/member to all.


Rick, don't ever apologize for having other things - more important things - on your mind. If someone doesn't understand that your mind is full at the moment then it sucks to be them.