Disc brake Caliper pins/bolts sizes????? Where to buy???

I think the light bulb just went off!!!!! I assumed when I tighten them that the pin was stationary. I am wrapping my brain around it now. I think I need to stop listening to chevy owners when they notice the bolt side of the pins sticking out and say you better fix that. Thanks

Ok, now I might confuse you again.
The bolt IS stationary as it bottoms out against the caliper bracket at the shoulder by the threads.

The left area is where the caliper slides to the left as the pads wear down.

The right area is where the pads slide when the caliper moves as the pads wear.

So looking at the picture, as the pads wear down the caliper continues to center itself on the rotor by sliding on BOTH the large smooth area of the bolt shoulder and at the smaller long smooth end on the right.

So as the pads wear, the whole caliper would slowly move to the left on this bolt.