"Tipping" on ebay

What if you got a great deal on an item and you like feel guilty about it?

On two items I brought lately, the sellers were new on ebay and shipping costs were more then I paid, I sent either $5 or $10 after the deal to their pay pal account to make the deal fair to them. Both items did not sell too high in price and it just didn't seem right the seller would make only a few dollars on the item.

Well today I got another great deal, a light jacket for $13 to my door, this time I paid $8 for shipping and that is just what the postage on the bag had on it from USPS. The seller is making little on it after Ebay fees. I tempted to send another $5 to the seller but gee my "great deals" are becoming good deals. His feedback is under 100, not in the single digits like the other two but not no major seller

I say the jacket would had been I don' know in the stores, hard to say, if it was from big JC Penny I would not care but these are just small sellers