Pet Peaves in Mechanic's Lingo

it grinds my gears when ppl call "wheel covers" as hub caps.

Hub caps are the little ones ....A.K.A. dog dishes.....Hub caps cover ONLY the HUB area and leave some of the wheel exposed

Wheel covers....COVER the entire wheel.

if used correctly, the names of these parts make a lot of sense.

The other one is calling salvage yards as junkyards.

Salvage Yards are in existence to facilitate parting out of cars so that useful parts can be recycled into use on other cars of similar make and model

Junkyards house Junk ......junk= crap ...nothing useful.

if even one mopar is present in the yard then it is a Salvage yard
if a yard is full of Toyotas then its a JUNKYARD ......big difference