1st Annual PSC Fallen Mascot Memorial Sale ... in memory of Sox

As a tip of the hat to Sox, here's a pic of our cat Homer!! He went to the vet yesterday and they pulled his file and realized that he is 19 years old this year!!! Homer and Sox would've been fast friends, doing life their way and on their terms, and keepin' it real with their human peeps!!

Homer's been a great cat, and although he is still the king around here, he has a done-it-all attitude and doesn't do much of "it all" anymore. As a matter of fact, since his last vet visit in August he's lost 4 lbs., which after many years and many cats in my life is a pretty good sign that he's slowing way down. I hope he makes it through the summer, as he loves to be outdoors!!

Great idea commemorating Sox through this program Leanna, I know a lot of people will appreciate it!! Mrrrrrrrow!!! Geof