1968 dodge dart 4door on "24$ "5500obo

So by your logic anybody that puts big wheels on a car does drugs?? Help me out here.....

So, i take it that you are a ''politically correct'' person.
I am in fact, not.
And, just to be clear to you and everyone, it was not a racist remark.
It was intended as a joke because the car looked ridiculous with those big tires and wheels on it to me.
Just as i took it that the wheels do nothing for the performance of the car as well as make it look stupid.
To get to the heart of the ''logic'' that i'm using when i made this statement, i still stand by the stereotype that most people and the cops use when they see a car like this driving around. The stereotype is that someone definitely wants to be noticed and stand out in a crowd by making a visual statement of some sort.
I am also drawing the inference that only someone on mind altering drugs would feel that they need to make such a statement with their vehicle, as it would only appeal to them or someone like minded.
And for the record, i am a short, fat, balding, Canadian 50 year old man that is a minority.
Draw out your stereotypes on me and post them and we'll both laugh!
Because i really don't give two ***** about what people say about me or think.
I'm sorry if i harshed your mellow man.
This is my opinion, for what it's worth.